チャンギ 心霊スポットウォーキングツアー(シンガポール)
チャンギ 心霊スポットウォーキングツアー(シンガポール)
チャンギ 心霊スポットウォーキングツアー(シンガポール)
チャンギ 心霊スポットウォーキングツアー(シンガポール)

シンガポールの不気味なツアー「ウォーク ウィズ ゴースト: オールド チャンギ」

#シンガポール# チャンギ# 心霊スポット# ウォーキングツアー
Discover the dark and mysterious side of Singapore with a unique and thrilling walking tour that will send shivers down your spine. Uncover the supernatural secrets of the city with a journey through its most haunted locations, including the infamous Old Changi Hospital.

Step back in time and immerse yourself in the eerie atmosphere of Old Changi as you walk with ghosts and follow the footsteps of the restless spirits that are said to still roam the abandoned halls. Hear chilling tales of the hospital's haunting past and the paranormal encounters that have left visitors trembling in fear.

Led by experienced guides, the tour offers a spine-tingling experience filled with supernatural confessions and creepy stories that will leave you questioning what lies beyond the realm of the living. Explore the dark corners of Changi, known for its ghostly sightings and unexplained phenomena, as you delve into the mysteries that surround this haunted hotspot.

From ghostly encounters to hair-raising experiences, this tour is perfect for thrill-seekers and horror enthusiasts looking for a unique and unforgettable adventure in Singapore. Whether you're a fan of the supernatural or simply curious about the unknown, this tour promises to deliver a one-of-a-kind experience that will stay with you long after the tour ends.

Experience the thrill of walking with the haunted past of Changi and uncover the secrets that lurk in the shadows of Singapore's most mysterious locations. Immerse yourself in the world of the supernatural with a tour that promises to send chills down your spine and leave you with a newfound appreciation for the dark side of the Lion City.

Embark on a journey like no other and explore the haunted history of Singapore with a walking tour that is sure to satisfy your curiosity for the supernatural. Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with ghostly encounters, spooky stories, and the thrill of discovering the unknown on this spine-tingling adventure through the haunted streets of Changi.
Supernatural Confessions のホストが語る物語を聞いて、学んで、楽しんでください。これらは、物語、都市伝説、個人的な逸話を収集し、1 つのシームレスで多層的なエクスペリエンスにまとめたものです。これらのストーリーはすべてオリジナルであり、直接の情報源から得たものです。現代世界に進むにつれて、伝承や迷信は忘れられ、文書化されなくなりますが、土地と霊界はすぐには許したり忘れたりしません。 いくつかのハイライト: 1. カンポン・トレイル - 昔の村人たちが海岸沿いで何を見たのか想像してみてください 2. チャンギビーチ虐殺 - 残された恐怖と精神的な傷跡 3. 幽霊のような目撃の可能性 - 本当に幸運な場合のみ。または不運 4. 個人的な直接の出会い - オンラインでは見つけられない実際の人々からの本当の話 5. 地元の言い伝えと神秘的な信念 - 地元の人々が超常現象をどのように見、説明しているかを学びます。 6. 旧チャンギ病院 - 悪魔の実体への霊の入り口など、多くの物語が語られる場所
Love hearing ghost stories? Fascinated by folklore and urban legends? Dare to visit haunted places?,,Then this tour is made for you!,
  • Journey through some of the spookiest spots in Changi: from the shadows of the coastal kampong to the empty shells of British military buildings, to the infamous Old Changi Hospital
  • Along the way, the hosts slip comfortably between grandmothers' tales, urban legends, real confessions, and even their own spooky encounters! Hear about suicide pacts, bizarre drownings, black magic, portals to the underworld, and the things that haunt our shoreline. And of course, the many spirits that call Changi Hospital home
  • The creepy tales are woven together with Changi's history, our island's overlapping folklores; and a mind-blowing dose of Asian supernatural logic

    チャンギ 心霊スポットウォーキングツアー(シンガポール)
    🤝🏻 パートナー募集中ビジネスの機会を広げ、潜在顧客を探求