九份・十分を満喫 縁結び幸せいっぱいツアー (鼎泰豊ランチ付き)
九份・十分を満喫 縁結び幸せいっぱいツアー (鼎泰豊ランチ付き)
九份・十分を満喫 縁結び幸せいっぱいツアー (鼎泰豊ランチ付き)
九份・十分を満喫 縁結び幸せいっぱいツアー (鼎泰豊ランチ付き)


#九份# 十分# 満喫# 縁結び# 幸せいっぱい# ツアー# 鼎泰豊ランチ付き
Discover the enchanting beauty of Taiwan with a captivating tour that takes you through the picturesque towns of Jiufen and Shifen, offering a blend of cultural richness and natural wonders. This meticulously curated journey promises an abundance of happiness and blessings, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a memorable travel experience.

Your adventure begins in Taipei, the vibrant capital city of Taiwan, where you will be whisked away to the quaint mountain village of Jiufen. Known for its charming narrow alleyways, traditional teahouses, and stunning views of the ocean, Jiufen will transport you back in time to a bygone era of old-world charm and nostalgia. Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this unique destination as you stroll through its bustling streets lined with souvenir shops and delectable street food stalls.

Next, you will visit the idyllic town of Shifen, famous for its mesmerizing sky lanterns that light up the night sky in a kaleidoscope of colors. Experience the magic of releasing your own sky lantern, a tradition believed to bring good luck and fulfill your wishes. As you watch your lantern soar into the heavens, feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you, creating a moment of pure serenity and joy.

Indulge in a delectable lunch at the renowned Din Tai Fung restaurant, known for its exquisite xiaolongbao (soup dumplings) and other tantalizing Taiwanese dishes. Savor the flavors of authentic Taiwanese cuisine as you dine in style, surrounded by a sophisticated ambiance that reflects the culinary excellence of the region.

After lunch, explore the vibrant Yongkang Street, a bustling food street in Taipei that is a paradise for food lovers. Sample delicious local delicacies, from savory beef noodles to refreshing mango shaved ice, and delight your taste buds with a symphony of flavors that showcase the diversity of Taiwanese cuisine.

Continue your journey to the historic Xiahai City God Temple, dedicated to the deity Yue Lao, the God of Marriage and Love. Marvel at the intricate architecture and intricate details of this sacred site, and learn about the traditional rituals and beliefs associated with matchmaking and relationships in Taiwanese culture.

As the day comes to a close, bask in the romantic atmosphere of Shifen Waterfall, a majestic natural wonder that cascades gracefully into a serene pool below. Capture the beauty of this enchanting waterfall against the backdrop of lush greenery and towering cliffs, creating a picture-perfect moment that will stay with you forever.

Embark on this unforgettable tour and immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of Taiwan's Jiufen and Shifen, where happiness and blessings abound at every turn. Experience the magic of releasing sky lanterns, savor the flavors of Taiwanese cuisine, and explore the rich cultural heritage of this captivating destination. Let this journey be a celebration of love, joy, and new beginnings, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
台湾に来たら絶対行ってみたい観光スポット九ふん、十分と霞海城隍廟を網羅したツアーです。午前中は有名なアニメ映画のモデルになったとも言われる「九ふん」でのんびり散策した後、歴史のある町「十分」で天燈上げを体験します。ランチは行列ができる超人気店「鼎泰豊」にて小籠包をご賞味いただいた後、マンゴーかき氷と雑貨が有名な永康街を散歩。午後は縁結びのパワースポット「霞海城隍廟」で月下老人にご参拝、最高の幸せをゲットしましょう! ツアースケジュール
  • 07:40  シーザーパーク台北ホテル入口前集合、混乗車にて九ふんへ(移動時間約1時間)
  • 08:40頃 九ふん着、街並み散策
  • 10:00頃 九ふんから出発
  • 10:40頃 十分着、十分老街散策&天燈上げ体験
  • 11:40頃 十分から出発
  • 12:40頃 鼎泰豊にて昼食
  • 14:00頃 永康街散策
  • 14:40頃 永康街から出発
  • 15:00頃 霞海城隍廟着(月下老人で縁結びの参拝)
  • 15:20頃 霞海城隍廟案内後、迪化街にて現地解散
  • 九ふん街並み散策・十分ランタン上げ・鼎泰豐の小籠包・縁結び参拝も1日で完全制覇!


    九份・十分を満喫 縁結び幸せいっぱいツアー (鼎泰豊ランチ付き)
    🤝🏻 パートナー募集中ビジネスの機会を広げ、潜在顧客を探求