猫村・猴硐半日観光と十分天燈上げツアー (台北発)
猫村・猴硐半日観光と十分天燈上げツアー (台北発)
猫村・猴硐半日観光と十分天燈上げツアー (台北発)
猫村・猴硐半日観光と十分天燈上げツアー (台北発)

台湾旅行の醍醐味を満喫!猫村・猴硐半日観光と十分天燈上げツアー (台北発)

#猫村# 猴硐# 半日観光# 十分天燈上げツアー# 台北発
Discover the enchanting beauty of Taipei with this half-day tour that combines a visit to the iconic Houtong Cat Village and the mesmerizing Pingxi Sky Lantern Experience.

Begin your journey by exploring the charming Houtong Cat Village, also known as "Cat Town." Nestled in the hills of New Taipei City, this quaint village is home to a large population of friendly felines, making it a paradise for cat lovers. Stroll through the narrow alleys lined with colorful murals and cute cat-themed decorations, and interact with the adorable cats that roam freely in the area. Don't forget to capture some Instagram-worthy moments with these furry residents!

Next, immerse yourself in the magical tradition of releasing sky lanterns in Pingxi, a small town famous for its annual Sky Lantern Festival. Learn about the history and significance of this ancient practice as you decorate your lantern with your wishes and prayers. Then, as the sun sets, watch as your lantern illuminates the night sky, carrying your hopes and dreams to the heavens above. It's a truly unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of the beauty and serenity of Taiwan's countryside.

During the tour, you will also have the opportunity to visit the Thirteen Levels, a historic site that offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Marvel at the stunning Golden Waterfall, a natural wonder with cascading golden-hued waters that create a mesmerizing sight. Explore the charming streets of the old town, where you can sample local delicacies and shop for unique souvenirs to commemorate your trip.

This tour departs from Caesar Park Hotel Taipei, a luxurious accommodation located in the heart of the city. With its elegant rooms, world-class amenities, and convenient location, the hotel provides the perfect base for your Taipei adventure. After a day of exploration, relax and unwind in the hotel's spa, dine at its fine restaurants, or simply enjoy the stunning views of the city skyline from your room.

Experience the best of Taipei with this unforgettable tour that combines cultural immersion, natural beauty, and heartwarming encounters with furry friends. Whether you're a nature lover, a history buff, or a photography enthusiast, this tour has something for everyone. Book your Taipei adventure now and create memories that will last a lifetime!
猫好きにはたまらない!「猫村」として有名な「猴硐」で、たくさんの猫に囲まれる癒しの旅へ。 バスにゆられ、道中は「天空之城(空の城)」と呼ばれる十三層遺跡をご紹介します。そして一風変わった黄金瀑布を見学します。鉱山から流れ出る鉱水によってできた滝なので、色がめずらしいと有名です。滝見学の後は、いよいよ猫がまつ猴硐へ。毛づくろいしあう猫、屋根の上で日光浴してる猫、看板の裏にひっそり隠れてる猫など気まぐれな猫はどこにいるかわかりません。ぜひいろいろな猫ちゃんに出会ってください。最後は十分老街で願いの天燈上げを行います!台北の平渓エリアをまわる猫好きツアー。かわいい猫たちと一緒に遊びましょう! ツアースケジュール
  • 13:00 台北シーザーパークホテル(凱撒大飯店)の入口前にて集合
  • 14:00 十三層遺跡(「天空之城」と呼ばれている)
  • 14:10 黄金滝見学(10分)
  • 14:20 猴硐へ
  • 猴硐猫村にて自由散策(約90分)
  • 16:30 十分へ
  • 到着後、天燈上げ体験&老街散策(約45分)
  • 17:55 台北市内へ
  • 19:00頃 台北駅到着、現地解散
  • 台湾の猫村「猴硐」散策、たくさんの猫に囲まれ癒されよう
  • プロの日本語ガイドがご案内。初めての台湾旅行も安心。
  • 十分老街で願いを込めて「天燈上げ」体験
  • 有名な黄金瀑布(黄金の滝)も見学!

    猫村・猴硐半日観光と十分天燈上げツアー (台北発)
    🤝🏻 パートナー募集中ビジネスの機会を広げ、潜在顧客を探求