キャンプ体験(香港 / Autocamper Safari Land提供)
キャンプ体験(香港 / Autocamper Safari Land提供)
キャンプ体験(香港 / Autocamper Safari Land提供)
キャンプ体験(香港 / Autocamper Safari Land提供)

オートキャンパーで楽しむサファリランドの魅力的なキャンプ体験 - 香港のおすすめキャンプ場

#キャンプ# 香港# Autocamper Safari Land# アウトドア# 自然体験# 冒険# グランピング





Safari Land is a prairie located at the foot of Honghualing Mountain,At sunset, the sun light reflects on the distant hills that creating a charming scene,There are decades-old camphor trees on the mountainside. The air is fresh and the trees are cool,There are also many scenic spots and hiking routes to explore in the surrounding area such as Luk Keng, Nan Chung, Bride's Pool, and Cheung Shan Ancient Temple,Come and experience nature, and enjoy a comfortable and peaceful night!,Safari Land is a prairie located at the foot of Honghualing Mountain,At sunset, the sun light reflects on the distant hills that creating a charming scene,There are decades-old camphor trees on the mountainside. The air is fresh and the trees are cool,There are also many scenic spots and hiking routes to explore in the surrounding area such as Luk Keng, Nan Chung, Bride's Pool, and Cheung Shan Ancient Temple,Come and experience nature, and enjoy a comfortable and peaceful night!


キャンプ体験(香港 / Autocamper Safari Land提供)
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