Embark on an adventure around one of Okinawa's most popular islands — Taketomi! The humble island of Taketomi is known not only for the glistening white sand, but also for the traditional and charming Okinawan houses. With a population of roughly 300 people, this quaint and quiet location is rustic in a way that it does not look like the other places you've been to in Okinawa. On this trip, meet up with your guide at Ishigaki Port Terminal and head over to Taketomi Port. Depending on your chosen package, first explore the ocean and see its coral reefs and majestic creatures aboard a glass boat for 30 minutes, then hop on a water buffalo cart for another 30 minutes of sightseeing. See the traditional one-story buildings with red tiled roofs, as well as a museum known for its local weaving techniques. Either way, you'll definitely be blown away by the natural beauty of Taketomi Island on this trip!