【Hotel Buffet Promotion 2023】Harbour Grand Hong Kong Buffet | Harbour Grand Cafe | International Lunch Buffet, Whole Yellowfin Tuna X Wagyu Beef & Abalone & Bird's Nest Seafood Dinner Buffet
【Hotel Buffet Promotion 2023】Harbour Grand Hong Kong Buffet | Harbour Grand Cafe | International Lunch Buffet, Whole Yellowfin Tuna X Wagyu Beef & Abalone & Bird's Nest Seafood Dinner Buffet
【Hotel Buffet Promotion 2023】Harbour Grand Hong Kong Buffet | Harbour Grand Cafe | International Lunch Buffet, Whole Yellowfin Tuna X Wagyu Beef & Abalone & Bird's Nest Seafood Dinner Buffet
【Hotel Buffet Promotion 2023】Harbour Grand Hong Kong Buffet | Harbour Grand Cafe | International Lunch Buffet, Whole Yellowfin Tuna X Wagyu Beef & Abalone & Bird's Nest Seafood Dinner Buffet

"Indulge in a Feast at Harbour Grand Hong Kong Buffet | Unforgettable Lunch and Dinner Buffet Experience at Harbour Grand Café | Enjoy International Delights and Premium Seafood Delicacies"

#ホテルビュッフェプロモーション2023# ハーバーグランド香港ビュッフェ# ハーバーグランドカフェ# 国際ランチビュッフェ# ホールイエローフィンツナX和牛ビーフ&アワビ&ツバメの巣シーフードディナービュッフェ


【Hotel Buffet Promotion 2023】Harbour Grand Hong Kong Buffet | Harbour Grand Cafe | International Lunch Buffet, Whole Yellowfin Tuna X Wagyu Beef & Abalone & Bird's Nest Seafood Dinner Buffet
🤝🏻 パートナー募集中ビジネスの機会を広げ、潜在顧客を探求