[期間限定 2023/12/23-2024/3/17]渡嘉敷島上陸+ホエールウォッチング
[期間限定 2023/12/23-2024/3/17]渡嘉敷島上陸+ホエールウォッチング
[期間限定 2023/12/23-2024/3/17]渡嘉敷島上陸+ホエールウォッチング
[期間限定 2023/12/23-2024/3/17]渡嘉敷島上陸+ホエールウォッチング

[期間限定 2023/12/23-2024/3/17]沖縄・慶良間諸島でホエールウォッチングと渡嘉敷島上陸、パラセーリングを楽しもう!阿波連ビーチでの最高の旅行体験

#渡嘉敷島# 上陸# ホエールウォッチング# 期間限定# 2023/12/23-2024/3/17
Discover the mesmerizing world of whale watching in the enchanting setting of Okinawa's Kerama Islands with a special excursion to the pristine shores of Taketomi Island. This limited-time experience offers a unique opportunity to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat while exploring the breathtaking beauty of the region.

Embark on a thrilling adventure as you set foot on the untouched landscapes of Taketomi Island, known for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life. Dive into the azure sea for an unforgettable whale watching experience, where you can observe these gentle giants up close as they gracefully swim through the ocean.

In addition to the captivating whale watching excursion, you can also indulge in a variety of exciting activities during your visit to Taketomi Island. Feel the adrenaline rush as you soar high above the sparkling waters with a parasailing adventure, providing panoramic views of the island's stunning coastline and lush scenery.

After your exhilarating adventures, unwind on the pristine shores of Ama Beach, a tranquil haven with powdery white sands and turquoise waters perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. Immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere, bask in the warm sunshine, and take in the beauty of your surroundings.

Whether you are a nature enthusiast, adventure seeker, or simply looking for a peaceful getaway, this whale watching experience in Okinawa's Kerama Islands offers a perfect blend of excitement and tranquility. Witness the beauty of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat, explore the unspoiled landscapes of Taketomi Island, and create unforgettable memories in this idyllic paradise.

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to embark on a journey of discovery and wonder in one of Japan's most captivating destinations. Book your whale watching adventure in Okinawa's Kerama Islands today and get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with natural beauty, excitement, and relaxation.
12月下旬~4月初旬までの期間限定・世界最大の哺乳類 ザトウクジラを見るホエールウォッチングツアー,渡嘉敷島上陸プランでは、ホエールウォッチングツアーだけでなく渡嘉敷島内の散策も楽しめます♪,乗船のお客様全員にクジラポストカードとホエールハンドブックをプレゼント♪,ホエールウォッチングだけ楽しみたい方・美ら海水族館とのセットプランは[こちら](https://www.klook.com/ja/activity/6340-winter-whale-watching-tour-okinawa/)。こちらの単品プランには先着100名様にKlook限定特典も♪ ,美ら海水族館チケット付きやアクティビティセットもお得! Klookブログでホエールツアーの[選び方](https://www.klook.com/ja/blog/best-whale-watching-tours-okinawa/?spm=Blog.LatestTravelInspiration_LIST&clickId=2fea3129a2)をチェック♪


[期間限定 2023/12/23-2024/3/17]渡嘉敷島上陸+ホエールウォッチング
🤝🏻 パートナー募集中ビジネスの機会を広げ、潜在顧客を探求