화련 슈구란강 스탠드업 패들보드 체험
화련 슈구란강 스탠드업 패들보드 체험
화련 슈구란강 스탠드업 패들보드 체험
화련 슈구란강 스탠드업 패들보드 체험

화롄 SUP 보드 체험: 화롄 1일 산해해 여행의 필수 활동!

#화련# 슈구란강# 스탠드업 패들보드# 체험
5(1개 평가)
  • Experience the world-famous SUP in Xiuguluanxi. The gameplay is changeable and easy to learn. It is really a popular outdoor activity.
  • Row upstream from the estuary to the Changhong Bridge, which is a little red among the greenery. If you are lucky, you can even look affectionately at the cows grazing by the river
  • Professional coach guidance, let you play with peace of mind and enjoyment, never miss the one-day mountain and sea experience that makes friends envy and the number of likes soars

    화련 슈구란강 스탠드업 패들보드 체험
    🤝🏻 파트너 모집 중사업 기회 확장 및 잠재 고객 발굴