這次旅行將帶您探索越南最北部岩石高原最美麗、最壯觀的景觀。很多人都聽説過Nho Que河和Tu San峽谷,有些人有機會乘坐摩托艇在這條河上旅行,但我們的旅行將非常獨特。您將劃皮划艇沿着 Nho Que 河順流而下,從 Dong Van 到 Meo Vac,這條翡翠色的河流蜿蜒穿過令人驚歎的自然區域,這裏有終年雲霧繚繞的高山和一直延伸到水邊的梯田。邊緣。
這是一項難度適中的項目,要求參與者為徒步距離做好身體準備,並具備基本的 SUP 划槳技巧。這次旅行非常適合那些在越南偏遠和原始風景中尋求獨特和冒險體驗的旅行者
Paddling slowly down the Nho Que River to explore Tu San and Khau Vai Canyon,Discover the most beautiful and wonderful landscapes of the rocky plateau of Ha Giang,Test your balance as you stand and discover a beauty of water surrounded by Nho Que River,Local instructors will guide you through the process of stand up paddleboarding and you'll be paddling in no time!,Enjoy a new experience with overnight camping at Nho Que River,Escape chaotic city scenes and have some fun relaxing moments as you paddle along in the Nho Que River and more!