第 4 天
今天起個大早去克里木圖湖。這次旅行從駕車前往克里木圖山腳下的停車場開始。然後步行或軟徒步到克里姆圖湖頂部的活動大約需要 30 分鐘。到達克裏穆圖湖頂後,您將看到克里穆圖三色湖美麗的自然全景,這些湖泊由於幾年前的克里穆圖火山噴發而非常壯觀和令人驚歎。在克利木圖湖頂盡情拍照和欣賞自然全景後,接下來的活動就是驅車返回酒店享用早餐。在酒店享用早餐後,您將前往距離克里姆圖湖最近的城市恩德市。在前往 Ende 或 Maumere 鎮的途中,您還將在一個傳統村莊停留。遊覽完傳統村落並拍照留念後,驅車前往恩德或毛梅雷市過夜或送至機場飛往下一個目的地。
Go on an exciting 4D3N adventure during your trip to Indonesia with a fun tour of Bajawa and Kelimutu!,Sip on a delicious and soothing cup of coffee at Bena Village – known to produce the best coffee in Flores,Interact with friendly locals and learn more about their daily life with stops at the nearby traditional villages,Visit some natural wonders such as Blue Stone Beach, Spider Web Rice Field (Lodok Cancar), and more!,Listen to fascinating stories about the culture, customs, and history of each location from the tour’s expert guide