清邁粘粘瀑布 & 斯里蘭納國家公園(含水上運動)
清邁粘粘瀑布 & 斯里蘭納國家公園(含水上運動)
清邁粘粘瀑布 & 斯里蘭納國家公園(含水上運動)
清邁粘粘瀑布 & 斯里蘭納國家公園(含水上運動)


#清邁粘粘瀑布# 斯里蘭納國家公園# 水上運動# 自然景觀# 旅遊目的地# 冒險探險# 休閒度假# 亞洲旅行# 風景如畫# 自然生態# 水上活動




體驗 Bua Tong 瀑布和 Chet Si 噴泉國家公園,被遊客熟知的粘瀑布 (Sticky Waterfall) 是清邁一個非常酷的寶藏公園。獨特的瀑布周圍環繞着鬱鬱葱葱的山谷和山景,大家都喜歡攀爬,享受一些短途徒步穿過森林,看看 Nam Phu Chet Si,字面意思是七種顏色的噴泉。它是一種礦物間歇泉,從地下噴湧而出,流入溪流。這片自然風光秀麗、寧靜祥和的地方。 上午約11:00 出發20分鐘到達當地人所熟知的斯蘭納國家公園 湄雅水壩是泰國第八大國家公園,面積1,406平方米,是野生動物的家園、茂密的森林和水源地。公園山地面積26.08萬畝。您只能乘坐當地的長尾船才能進入一些浮動房屋,大約需要 15 分鐘即可到達最出色的山浮動度假村。對於那些渴望遠離喧囂、享受寧靜祥和假期的您來説,Mountain Float Resort 度假村是奢華的最佳選擇。漂浮的房子位於大壩的盡頭,周圍環繞着鬱鬱葱葱的山脈,風景優美,具有完美的私密性。中午 12 點 20 分左右在水上餐廳享用美味的午餐並休息一下。 我們非常高興免費提供山上水上屋的所有特色景點,如餐廳、酒吧、各種娛樂設施,如斯諾克、獨木舟、皮划艇、腳踏船、槳板、水上拳擊台等,直至 14 點:30 下午然後乘船返回陸地,並於下午 16:00 左右返回酒店。
Experiences Bua Tong Waterfall and Chet Si Fountain National Park well-known by tourist called Sticky Waterfall is an incredibly cool and treasure park to check out in Chiang Mai. The unique waterfall surrounding by the lush valleys & mountains view where all you guys enjoy climbing, enjoying some short hiking through the forest to see Nam Phu Chet Si which literally means seven colors fountain. It is a mineral geyser that gushes from the ground and flows into streams.,Si Lanna National Park well-known by local Mae Ngat Dam is the eighth largest National Park in Thailand, covering an area of 1,406 square meters which is home to wildlife animals, lush forests, and headwater sources.,Sailing long tail boat to the only one floating house in Chiang Mai, get the complimentary all highly features attractions on the Mountain Floating House such as the restaurant outlet, bar, various entertaining facilities as such snooker, canoe, kayaking, pedal boat, paddle board, water boxing stage.,Experiences Bua Tong Waterfall and Chet Si Fountain National Park well-known by tourist called Sticky Waterfall is an incredibly cool and treasure park to check out in Chiang Mai. The unique waterfall surrounding by the lush valleys & mountains view where all you guys enjoy climbing, enjoying some short hiking through the forest to see Nam Phu Chet Si which literally means seven colors fountain. It is a mineral geyser that gushes from the ground and flows into streams.,Si Lanna National Park well-known by local Mae Ngat Dam is the eighth largest National Park in Thailand, covering an area of 1,406 square meters which is home to wildlife animals, lush forests, and headwater sources.,Sailing long tail boat to the only one floating house in Chiang Mai, get the complimentary all highly features attractions on the Mountain Floating House such as the restaurant outlet, bar, various entertaining facilities as such snooker, canoe, kayaking, pedal boat, paddle board, water boxing stage.


清邁粘粘瀑布 & 斯里蘭納國家公園(含水上運動)
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