大叻火車站是越南最古老的鐵路建築之一,也是著名的旅遊勝地。大叻 - Trai Mat 火車之旅是您在大叻遊覽時不可錯過的體驗。火車提供日間和夜間行程,每次行程持續 60 分鐘,包括出發和結束。在白天旅程中,您將在欣賞現場小提琴表演的同時品嚐朝鮮薊茶,並欣賞整個旅程的美景。特別是夜間火車之旅,名為“大叻夜之旅”,讓您可以悠閒地放鬆身心,欣賞大叻的夜景,別墅的燈光、迷人的小巷等等。此外,您還可以觀看有關大叻火車站形成歷史和從塔佔到大叻的齒軌鐵路的紀錄片
Vintage Train Experience: The Da Lat - Trai Mat train boasts a charming vintage ambiance, passengers can enjoy the quaint charm of train travel from days past
Live Violin Music: While on board, passengers can listen to live violin music, adding to the pleasant atmosphere and making the journey even more special.
Light Meal Service: Passengers on the night train can also grab a light meal, providing them with a tasty snack to enjoy as they travel through the night. It's a nice touch for a comfortable journey.