將冒險與奢華結合在一次難忘的沙漠之旅體驗中。沿着 Al Badayer 的紅金色沙丘踏上令人振奮的沙漠探險之旅。享受衝沙丘的刺激,然後沉浸在撒哈拉沙漠堡壘營地的五星級自助晚餐中,體驗現場文化娛樂,如 tanoura 舞蹈、肚皮舞和火表演,以及其他活動,包括騎駱駝、獵鷹互動、和更多。返回您選擇的酒店或地點。
Experience the Royal Desert Fortress Safari, as we combine our world-class sunset dune bashing adventure with a 5-star Arabian Fortress dining experience set deep in the Dubai desert oasis, which is surrounded by indigenous exotic wildlife. The adventure begins when your guide picks you up from your hotel in Dubai to drive you to the desert. You will then board a four-wheel drive to drive deep into the Sahara Desert, crossing the beautiful sandy dunes. The Sahara Desert is a vast expanse of dunes and canyons, rich with wildlife. It is one of the most enchanting and breathtakingly beautiful. Experience the raw beauty of the natural world in the expansive desert. On the tour, you will get to experience some of the most spectacular views of the desert and some of the region's most impressive wildlife. Savor a luxury 5-star buffet dinner in the only luxury fortress camp in UAE. The architecture and designs at Sahara are truly captivating. Experience a mystical luxury camp where the most beautiful things happen!