與 FlyOver Las Vegas 一起踏上非凡的空中冒險之旅,尖端技術將令人興奮的飛行感覺帶到拉斯維加斯大道的中心。當您懸掛在空中,雙腳懸空時,感受急速的衝刺,而身臨其境的電影將帶您踏上世界上最具標誌性的自然奇觀的驚心動魄的旅程。當您滑過狂野的西部時,目睹雄偉的草原、高聳的山峯和未開墾的河流。探索冰島的火山、冰川和豐富的歷史,體驗令人驚歎的火與冰之地。然後,被加拿大落基山脈迷住,沉浸在傳奇山景的景色、聲音和精神中。憑藉令人驚歎的視覺效果、風、薄霧、氣味和動態運動,FlyOver Las Vegas 承諾為您帶來難忘的終極飛行之旅,一切盡在這座城市的活力之中!
FlyOver Las Vegas offers tickets for a magical flight experience.
Three different flight rides are available: Wonders of the American West, Windborne: Call of the Canadian Rockies, and Iceland
Each ride promises incredible visuals, wind, mist, and scents, providing a truly immersive and unforgettable experience
Visitors can choose their preferred flight ride and embark on a thrilling adventure above stunning landscapes and iconic natural wonders