踏上游覽日內瓦亮點的難忘之旅。您的冒險從 Pl 開始。 de Neuve,一個充滿活力的廣場,遍佈咖啡館和商店。當您漫步穿過風景如畫的堡壘公園時,您會遇到巨大的宗教改革牆,周圍環繞着令人沉思的寧靜氛圍。下一站將帶您前往迷人的 Pl。 du Bourg-de-Four 坐落在老城區的中心地帶,擁有歷史悠久的建築和散發着魅力的舒適咖啡館。
A vibrant square with cafes is the perfect starting point for your Geneva journey
Explore the serene Parc des Bastions and discover the monumental Reformation Wall in this picturesque park
Explore the historic heart of Old Town, with its charming buildings and cafes
Admire this architectural masterpiece, offering panoramic views from its tower