
Discover the Beauty of Hakone & Lake Kawaguchiko on a Day Tour from Tokyo

#箱根# 河口湖# 一日遊# 東京出發# 日本旅遊# 自由行# 美食# 溫泉# 自然風光# 文化體驗# 親子旅遊# 戶外活動# 湖景# 山景# 桜花# 藝術# 歷史古蹟# 休閒度假
Experience the breathtaking beauty of Hakone and Lake Kawaguchiko on a day tour from Tokyo. This unforgettable journey will take you through stunning landscapes, iconic landmarks, and cultural attractions, ensuring a memorable experience for all.

Begin your adventure by departing from Tokyo and heading towards the picturesque region of Hakone. Known for its natural beauty and hot springs, Hakone offers a perfect escape from the bustling city life. As you approach the area, catch glimpses of the majestic Mount Fuji, an iconic symbol of Japan's natural beauty.

Your first stop is the Hakone Shrine, a spiritual haven nestled amidst lush greenery. Walk through the iconic torii gate and explore the serene surroundings, offering a sense of tranquility and peace. Take a moment to admire the stunning architecture and learn about the shrine's rich history.

Next, prepare yourself for a unique experience at Owakudani, also known as the Great Boiling Valley. This volcanic valley is famous for its hot springs and the distinctive black eggs boiled in its sulfurous waters. Legend has it that consuming one of these eggs will add seven years to your life. Indulge in this local tradition and savor the deliciously seasoned eggs while enjoying the panoramic views of the surrounding volcanic landscape.

Afterward, make your way to the Kawaguchiko Craft Park, where you can witness the exquisite craftsmanship of local artisans. Explore the various workshops and galleries, showcasing traditional Japanese crafts such as pottery, glassblowing, and woodwork. Take home unique souvenirs and immerse yourself in the rich artistic heritage of the region.

Continue your journey to Shimoyoshida Honcho Street, a charming street lined with shops and cafes. Enjoy a leisurely stroll and soak in the delightful atmosphere while admiring the stunning views of Mount Fuji. Don't forget to capture the perfect photo of this iconic mountain, creating lasting memories of your trip.

As the day draws to a close, visit Lake Ashi, a serene body of water located at the foot of Mount Hakone. Take a relaxing boat ride across the lake and marvel at the breathtaking scenery surrounding you. On a clear day, witness the reflection of Mount Fuji on the tranquil waters, creating a picture-perfect moment that will leave you in awe.

Finally, return to Tokyo, feeling rejuvenated and inspired by the natural wonders and cultural treasures you have encountered on this unforgettable day tour. Whether you're a nature lover, a history enthusiast, or simply seeking a break from the city, this Hakone and Lake Kawaguchiko day tour is the perfect choice for an enriching and fulfilling travel experience.
首先造訪箱根神社,這裡有著美麗的蘆之湖畔水上鳥居「平和の鳥居」,是拍攝經典照片的最佳地點。 接著前往大涌谷,欣賞這個活躍的火山地區,可以欣賞到煙霧瀰漫的奇景。 後續出發前往富士山腳下的河口湖Craft Park,天氣好的時候還可以看到完美倒映在水面上的富士山!
  • 近距離欣賞蘆之湖上的水上鳥居,以蘆之湖為背景拍攝網美夢幻照
  • 探索由古代火山活動形成的地熱景觀,以及著名的黑色半熟蛋
  • 欣賞湖光山色,並捕捉富士山的絕美景色,可沿湖漫步,體驗大自然之美
  • 在富士吉田市的中心步行街尋找昭和年代的氛圍,探索商店、餐廳、咖啡館等

    🤝🏻 商戶招募中拓展商機,探索潛在客源