

#京都# 宇治# 世界文化遺產# 一日遊# 大阪# 出發
Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Kyoto with our Kyoto's World Heritage Sites One Day Tour. Departing from Osaka, this tour will take you on a journey through some of Kyoto's most iconic and breathtaking landmarks.

Start your day by exploring the enchanting Arashiyama district, known for its picturesque bamboo groves and serene landscapes. Take a stroll through the famous bamboo forest and experience the tranquility that surrounds you. Don't forget to visit the stunning Tenryu-ji Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its beautiful gardens and historic architecture.

Next, we will take you to Fushimi Inari Taisha, one of Kyoto's most iconic landmarks. This shrine is famous for its thousands of vibrant red torii gates that lead up to the sacred Mount Inari. Take your time to explore the winding trails and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this spiritual site.

No visit to Kyoto would be complete without a visit to Kinkaku-ji Temple, also known as the Golden Pavilion. This stunning Zen Buddhist temple is covered in gold leaf and reflects beautifully in the surrounding pond. Marvel at its exquisite beauty and learn about its fascinating history.

Another highlight of our tour is a visit to Byodoin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Japan's most iconic landmarks. This temple is famous for its stunning Phoenix Hall, which is depicted on the back of the 10 yen coin. Explore the beautifully preserved architecture and immerse yourself in the rich history of this cultural gem.

Throughout the tour, you will have the opportunity to indulge in traditional Japanese culture. Sample delicious matcha green tea, a specialty of Kyoto, and learn about the art of tea ceremony. Immerse yourself in the spiritual atmosphere of the shrines and temples, and gain a deeper understanding of Japan's fascinating cultural heritage.

Our Kyoto's World Heritage Sites One Day Tour is the perfect way to explore the rich history and cultural treasures of Kyoto. Departing from Osaka, this tour offers a convenient and hassle-free way to experience some of Japan's most iconic landmarks. Join us on this unforgettable journey and create memories that will last a lifetime.
這是一趟穿越京都最珍貴的文化和自然地標的非凡旅程。 首先是標誌性的鹿苑寺(金閣寺),這是一處世界遺產,以其閃閃發光的金箔外觀、精緻的禪宗花園和寧靜的環境而聞名。接下來,旅程將帶您前往迷人的嵐山區,以其迷人的竹林、寧靜的花園和著名的渡輪橋而聞名。 該地區的美麗風景證明了京都的自然風光。朝聖之旅繼續前往伏見稻荷大社,這是一座標誌性的神社,以其數千個朱紅色的鳥居門而聞名,這些門通往神聖的稻荷山。 空靈的氛圍和全景讓這是一次深刻的文化體驗。最後參觀宇治的平等院,這座建築傑作為 10 日元硬幣增光添彩。 其鳳凰堂坐落在鬱鬱蔥蔥的花園和倒影池塘之中,被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產,也是日本文化遺產的象徵。這個全日遊將帶您深入了解京都豐富的文化和令人驚嘆的風景
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  • 保證沒有額外收費

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