通過我們的狙擊手體驗,在拉斯維加斯的腎上腺素山體驗户外射擊的終極快感。使用包括 Barrett .50 cal 在內的各種威力強大的狙擊步槍進行精確而有力的瞄準,同時欣賞令人驚歎的沙漠風光。憑藉專家指導、一流的安全措施和一系列標誌性槍支,這場令人腎上腺素飆升的冒險之旅將帶來無與倫比的難忘射擊體驗。鎖定並裝彈,在崎嶇美麗的沙漠中心享受一天的射擊刺激。
Thrilling outdoor shooting experience in the picturesque desert landscape of Las Vegas
Enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding desert as you take aim and fire!
Professional instructors ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for shooters of all skill levels
Choose from a variety of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns, to suit your shooting preferences