踏上愉快的倫敦美食之旅,探索經典的英國和國際美食。盡情享用屢獲殊榮的炸魚和薯條,品嚐最好的非洲巧克力,並進入著名的 Beigel Bake Brick Lane Bakery。探索倫敦最大的香腸,品嚐正宗的希臘美食,並用著名的毒蛇翅膀參加“雞翅挑戰”。漫步穿過著名的市場,品嚐英國最受歡迎的甜點,同時探索當地的工藝品和街頭藝術。選擇週日遊覽布里克巷市場 (Brick Lane Market),品嚐意大利冰淇淋、烤肉卷、新鮮椰子和巴西油條。體驗歷史和美食之旅,探索使倫敦美食真正與眾不同的多樣化和美味風味
Savor the best African chocolate outside of Africa, adding a delightful international flavor to your culinary journey,Visit London’s legendary Beigel Bake Brick Lane Bakery, where you'll experience the iconic flavors that attracted even Prince William and Kate,Delight your taste buds with London's largest sausages, a savory treat showcasing the city's culinary diversity,Experience the authenticity of Greek cuisine with a stop to savor genuine Greek food, bringing Mediterranean flavors to your palate,Visit one of London’s famous markets, where you can try Britain’s favorite dessert and explore the best local crafts and street art