Space Planet Amusement Park, a parent-child amusement park full of competitive sense, allows parents and children to gain more popular science knowledge in experiential play,Xilegu Water World is suitable for tourists of all ages. There is the largest Violence Water Village in southern China, and the country's first super-long cantilevered swimming pool is waiting for you to check in,在琶江劃過的灣畔湯塘,遇見2000畝青山綠水的世外桃源——勤天·熹樂谷,開啓在山頂的繽紛度假模式,暢享温泉養生樂趣,浸泡全國少見出水温度達到87℃的高温温泉,勤天熹樂谷温泉度假酒店座落在“温泉之鄉”佛岡縣湯塘鎮的黃花湖風景區內,坐享勤天·熹樂谷2000畝原生態森林仙境,200公頃天然黃花湖,83公里原生態琶江,山水如畫,是名副其實的“華南大氧吧