踏上巴黎古董市場之旅,這裡是高品質古董和收藏品的迷人王國。探索 Dauphine 跳蚤市場,那裡擺滿了精美的古董家具、繪畫、雕塑和書籍。探索豪華的拜倫跳蚤市場,這裡以古董珠寶、銀器、瓷器和地毯而聞名。 Paul Bert Serpette 跳蚤市場提供各種商品,包括家具、服飾、配件和家居用品,讓您盡情享受歡樂。沉浸在這些標誌性巴黎市場的豐富歷史和魅力中,發現 19 世紀隱藏的寶藏。體驗巴黎古董購物的魅力,每件古董都講述著一個故事,並為您的收藏增添一絲優雅!
Explore Paris antique market on a small group tour, benefiting from personalized attention and an intimate experience with fellow enthusiasts,Visit Dauphine, Biron, and Paul Bert Serpette flea markets within the 4-hour tour duration,Discover a wide array of antique goods like furniture, paintings, sculptures, books, jewelry, silverware, porcelain, carpets, clothing, accessories, and home goods