珍珠港卡丁車是河莊第一家迷你 F1 賽車場!佔地面積高達 5600 平方米,速度梯度各異,這絕對是滿足腎上腺素癮君子的終極體驗。
全新 Centurion “超級跑車”車隊最高時速可達 80 公里/小時,賽道長 530 米,模擬專業 F1 賽道,無疑將提供真實而完整的體驗,增強您全速前進的信心
The New Centurion “supercar” reaches a maximum speed of up to 80 km/h on a 530m long racetrack designed to simulate a professional F1 track,,Providing a realistic and complete racing experience,Choose from diverse types of single or double cars and freely compete with friends and family,Thousands of gifts await guests who join the fun