麗水 U-World 無舵雪橇 & 麗水纜車 & 浪漫馬車街一日遊
麗水 U-World 無舵雪橇 & 麗水纜車 & 浪漫馬車街一日遊
麗水 U-World 無舵雪橇 & 麗水纜車 & 浪漫馬車街一日遊
麗水 U-World 無舵雪橇 & 麗水纜車 & 浪漫馬車街一日遊


#麗水# U-World# 無舵雪橇# 麗水纜車# 浪漫馬車街一日遊




  • U-World Luge 是一種適合所有年齡和性別的人的刺激體驗,特製的非機動車利用重力沿著 1.3 公里長的超長軌道滑行。在這裡,您可以欣賞到開闊、不羈的海景和山、海、天然岩石相協調的優美自然環境。
  • 麗水海上纜車是韓國第一座海上纜車,跨越海洋連接突山島和大陸。
  • Romantic Cart Bars是位於麗水巨石橋下的一條街道,這裡聚集著眾多的餐車。十八輛美食車提供各種海鮮招牌菜餚。遊客可以一邊品嚐美食,一邊欣賞麗水的大海和大橋夜景,深受遊客的喜愛。
  • Yeosu is Korea's representative marine tourism city with 365 islands, diverse marine life, and mountains and sea in harmony. Enjoy 3 must-see tourist attractions in Yeosu in one day.
  • Enjoy the sea on Korea's first urban marine cable car that passes over the sea and connects the island and the mainland.,Please feel the beautiful South Sea sea and sky for yourself along with the thrill of splitting.
  • A thrilling ride that will blow your mind.Enjoy the thrilling experience of running on a large 1.3km track with friends, family, and lovers.
  • Yeosu is also famous for its night view, and the night view of downtown Yeosu along the coastline along the sea is so romantic and enchanting that the popular group Busker Busker sings about it.,At Romantic Cart Bars, you can taste local seafood cooked to order and enjoy the night view of the sea and bridge in Yeosu.

    麗水 U-World 無舵雪橇 & 麗水纜車 & 浪漫馬車街一日遊
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