搭乘 The Vietage,踏上豪華的鐵路冒險之旅,穿越越南中部鬱鬱葱葱的風景和壯觀的海岸線。在連接會安舊世界魅力和歸仁波光粼粼海岸的精緻旅程中,擁抱鐵路旅行史詩般的浪漫。 Vietage 結合了豪華復古風格的舒適、壯麗的景色和美食,讓您精神煥發、神清氣爽,為您的下一個目的地做好準備。火車每天早上從會安附近的峴港火車站出發,每天晚上從歸仁返回。
Vietnam’s first luxury railway experience
Developed by Anantara Hotels, Resorts and Spas
Old world style of railway travel
Seamless luxury travel linking Da Nang and Quy Nhon
Luxurious seating for only 12 passengers
Gourmet dining with an exclusively curated menu and à la carte choices
On board sit up bar
Private room for head and shoulder treatment
Sleeper booths available on the Quy Nhon to Da Nang evening journey