踏上從馬德里出發的導遊一日遊,搭乘巴士探索托萊多的奇蹟。從 Mirador del Valle 欣賞這座中世紀城市令人驚嘆的全景,並驚嘆於聖多美教堂內埃爾·格列柯 (El Greco) 的著名藝術品。
從馬德里出發,前往 Mirador del Valle,欣賞塔霍河畔托萊多的全景。然後,深入探索被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的托萊多歷史中心。
Explore Toledo's labyrinthine streets and ancient plazas, immersing yourself in its medieval charm
Behold the masterpiece "The Burial of Count Orgaz" by El Greco at the Church of Santo Tome
Gain insight into the coexistence of the "three cultures" as your guide shares their harmonious history
Marvel at the breathtaking vistas of Toledo from the scenic Mirador del Valle
Venture inside the Synagogue of Saint Mary and the Primada Cathedral, uncovering their rich interiors