尖沙咀IRREGULart - 繪畫心理投射分析|IAPC認證驗
尖沙咀IRREGULart - 繪畫心理投射分析|IAPC認證驗
尖沙咀IRREGULart - 繪畫心理投射分析|IAPC認證驗
尖沙咀IRREGULart - 繪畫心理投射分析|IAPC認證驗

尖沙咀IRREGULart - 繪畫心理投射分析|IAPC認證驗:旅行中探索藝術之美

#尖沙咀# IRREGULart# 繪畫# 心理投射分析# IAPC認證# 驗證
IRREGULart is an immersive experience that combines the art of painting with psychological projection analysis, certified by IAPC. This unique and innovative approach offers travelers a deeper understanding of themselves and their surroundings through the creative process of painting and psychological exploration.

繪畫 (painting) is not just a form of artistic expression, but a powerful tool for self-discovery and introspection. Through the act of painting, individuals can tap into their subconscious thoughts and emotions, allowing for a cathartic release and a clearer understanding of their innermost feelings.

心理投射分析 (psychological projection analysis) further enhances this process by providing a framework for interpreting the symbols and imagery that emerge in the artwork. By examining these projections, participants can gain valuable insights into their own psyche, uncovering hidden truths and gaining a new perspective on their thoughts and behaviors.

The IAPC certification adds an extra layer of credibility and expertise to the experience, ensuring that participants are guided by trained professionals who are well-versed in the principles of psychological analysis and interpretation. This certification also signifies a commitment to ethical practices and a high standard of care for participants' mental and emotional well-being.

Whether you are a seasoned traveler or someone planning their first trip, IRREGULart offers a unique and enriching experience that goes beyond the typical tourist activities. By engaging in the process of painting and psychological projection analysis, participants can gain a deeper connection to the places they visit, as well as a deeper understanding of themselves.

So, if you are looking for a truly transformative travel experience that combines art, psychology, and personal growth, consider incorporating IRREGULart into your itinerary. Explore the hidden depths of your mind and unlock new insights into your inner world through the power of painting and psychological exploration.
Cobe導師背景介紹 本身以前都由幼稚園至中學畢業前跟左畫畫老師學左13年左右 包括廣告彩、油畫、木顏色及黑白素描、油粉彩等等。暫時教緊既學生都跟左我最少一年,分別有SEN學生、主流小朋友及成人學生,教過的學生最細暫時5歲。 導師資格 - 兒童及成人繪畫授課經驗 - 小學視藝教學專修課程 HKACA & HKTRC - 幼兒特殊學習需要SEN支援證書 - 美國IAPC繪畫心理分析師 - 持性罪行查核證明
【複雜事情簡單化!! 三幅圖分析心理投射】,,自古有象形文字,幼兒也是先繪畫再學文字,因此圖畫是文字的始祖。圖畫所傳遞的信息比語言文字更豐富、直接。,,繪畫投射就如我們面對住鏡子。透過圖畫,我們內心的投射會在不知不覺間將自己的內心世界透過圖畫呈現出來。人類本能習慣把潛意識隱藏內心最深處,一般不容易被發現。,有如發夢一樣,夢 = 個人自己才可看見的畫,圖畫 = 由自己畫出的夢,潛意識表達的工具,繪畫 = 直接反映及表達深層內心的世界,過程中把無形化的東西有形化,進一步理清自己的思路,找到潛意識興意識之間的連結。,嬰兒階段開始,本能上都會先學懂分辨光暗,再接觸顏色、質感、溫度之類,所有感覺會透過啼哭聲表達並傳遞予父母。幼兒階段開始,未學會文字,學校提倡以圖畫作兒童宣洩及呈現心情的工具。相反到了成人階段,原來人們都慣於壓抑自己的感受於心底裡,可能源自於不同原因,例如心理陰影,自身性格等。繪畫在這些情況則可作為一個較柔和的手法進行了解作畫者潛意識蘊藏住背後的意思,這正是一個人與人之間的溝通連結。,繪畫是直接反映及表達深層內心的世界,過程中把無形化的東西有形化,進一步理清自己的思路,找到潛意識興意識之間的連結。其後心理學家和學者們研究了各式各樣的理論、技術去分析作畫者的背景、心理狀態與圖畫的關係,透過實務及工作進行教育,當中包括了心理學中的,「畫一個人」、「畫一棵樹」、「畫一間屋」及「動態家庭圖」。,,地址:尖沙咀漆咸道南65號首都廣場3樓T 210 舖,,課程時間: 1.5小時,,星期一至五: 18:00-19:30/19:00-20:30/20:30-22:00,星期六日可供全日預約,,whatsapp: 0852-97233655,wechat: irregulart8,instagram: irregularthk


尖沙咀IRREGULart - 繪畫心理投射分析|IAPC認證驗
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