花莲: 太鲁阁一日游 (台北出发・私人包团)
花莲: 太鲁阁一日游 (台北出发・私人包团)
花莲: 太鲁阁一日游 (台北出发・私人包团)
花莲: 太鲁阁一日游 (台北出发・私人包团)


#花莲# 太鲁阁# 一日游# 台北出发# 私人包团
Embark on a day tour from Taipei and witness the marvel of Taroko Gorge, one of Asia's seven wonders. Be awestruck by the gorge's marble-walled canyons, mountainous landscapes, and lush vegetation. Experience the grandeur of the Qingshui Cliff, renowned as one of Taiwan's eight wonders. Conclude your journey with a serene walk along the Shakadang Trail, beautifully crafted along the river cliff, offering an intimate encounter with nature's artistry.


花莲: 太鲁阁一日游 (台北出发・私人包团)
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