JR 九州 36+3 豪华观光列车(绿色车厢)
JR 九州 36+3 豪华观光列车(绿色车厢)
JR 九州 36+3 豪华观光列车(绿色车厢)
JR 九州 36+3 豪华观光列车(绿色车厢)

JR九州36+3豪华观光列车(绿色车厢)- 玩转九州的绝佳选择 | 单程餐车票预订

#JR九州# 36+3# 豪华观光列车# 绿色车厢# 旅游# 日本# 火车旅行# 九州之旅# 旅行体验
从火车上欣赏美丽的景色。 ![日向海滩行走(saizu小)](https://res.klook.com/image/upload/v1677744984/admin-markdown/of6dii3olrmavdcnwklh.jpg) ![桜岛行走シーン(サイズ小)](https://res.klook.com/image/upload/v1677745008/admin-markdown/wtfeo2xv7ydoidspr2d9.jpg)

36+3 is a train tour covering all the prefectures of the 36th largest island in the world, Kyushu.,,Kyushu is a place with delicious food, rich nature, Japanese history as well as the passion for hospitality. Experience 36+3! The "Running around Kyushu" train, which is packed with everything Kyushu has to offer.,,The train's entire routes (5 routes) covers a distance of 1,160 km.


JR 九州 36+3 豪华观光列车(绿色车厢)
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