与 Cheeky Kiwi Travel 一起踏上令人惊叹的库克山到皇后镇之旅。捕捉新西兰最高峰奥拉基或库克山的壮丽景色,并惊叹于南阿尔卑斯山背景下令人惊叹的普卡基湖。在 High Country Salmon 喂鱼并品尝最新鲜的鲑鱼。穿越林迪斯山口 (Lindis Pass),欣赏壮丽的山谷景色,并在 Mrs. Jones Fruit Stall 享用当地水果或真正的水果冰淇淋。体验卡瓦劳峡谷标志性的卡瓦劳吊桥和咆哮梅格观景台,然后到达充满活力的皇后镇。我们的小团全程导游服务确保个性化的关注,而瓶装水则让您精神焕发。沿途发现秘密站点、邂逅野生动物和令人愉快的惊喜,让您的 Cheeky Kiwi 旅行之旅成为一次难忘的体验。
Fully-guided transfer in style, led by passionate guides, sharing stories and knowledge in comfortable minibuses, ensuring safety and comfort
Discover the awe-inspiring beauty of Mt. Cook and Aoraki National Park, where nature's grandeur takes center stage
Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Lake Pukaki, with its mesmerizing turquoise waters and stunning alpine backdrop
Experience the thrilling journey through the captivating Kawarau Gorge, a scenic wonderland of rugged landscapes
Traverse the picturesque Lindis Pass, a scenic route adorned with rolling hills and breathtaking vistas
Indulge in the freshest and most delicious High Country Salmon, a gastronomic delight not to be missed