罗托鲁瓦 Te Pa Tu村半日游
罗托鲁瓦 Te Pa Tu村半日游
罗托鲁瓦 Te Pa Tu村半日游
罗托鲁瓦 Te Pa Tu村半日游

罗托鲁瓦 Te Pa Tu村半日游:探索熊熊的篝火和文化之旅

#罗托鲁瓦# Te Pa Tu村# 半日游# 新西兰# 文化体验# 自然风光# 旅游景点# 旅行建议
  • Te Pā Tū shares a 4-hour evening feast aligned to and changing with the maramataka (Māori lunar calendar)
  • Begin the tour with forest horotai (canapes) and culminates in a lavish 3-course fusion feast
  • Celebrate the Matariki star cluster with mystical ritual, energy, and passion with an unique experience
  • Feast on Māori song, tradition, and divine seasonal kai within the forest Pā, towering Tawa trees, etc

    罗托鲁瓦 Te Pa Tu村半日游
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