西海岸树冠步道滑索 & 漫步体验
西海岸树冠步道滑索 & 漫步体验
西海岸树冠步道滑索 & 漫步体验
西海岸树冠步道滑索 & 漫步体验

西海岸树冠步道滑索 & 漫步体验:霍基蒂卡林顶滑索与栈道冒险

#西海岸树冠步道滑索# 漫步体验: 冒险# 自然风光# 滑索# 步道# 漫步# 体验
与您训练有素、知识渊博的导游会面,做好准备迎接一生难忘的体验。从这里,您的导游将带您沿着树顶结构,享受和了解周围独特的 Rimu 雨林。 登上106级台阶,登上螺旋塔顶。和朋友一起玩双人滑索,准备好在你们双双踏上 45 米或 15 层楼高的天空时大吃一惊。快速飞过 Rimu 树顶。
  • The West Coast Tree Top Walk and Tower Zipline is a must-do for everyone
  • An exhilarating treetop adventure among temperate rainforest giants, experience life with the birds high in the Rimu rainforest
  • Come and enjoy a moment gliding through the beautiful West Coast rainforest treetops
  • Enjoy and learn about the unique surrounding Rimu rainforest by walking around the tree-top structure
  • Be amazed as you step off into the sky 45 m or 15 stories above the ground

    西海岸树冠步道滑索 & 漫步体验
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