“2024 年天燈節”旨在復興蘭納人日漸衰落的傳統“Yi Peng”儀式,旨在通過描繪原始習俗和傳統的活動來展示蘭納文化之美。節日亮點包括森林大門和燭光亭閣,象徵著蘭納人歡迎神靈 Phra Wetsandon 祈福的信仰。 Kad Mua 的靈感來自古老的步行街,通過傳統手工藝展示、工作坊和蘭納風格的表演區讓您一睹過去的風采。節日的主要節目是“蘭納燈光遊行——天上的浮燈”,這是一場展示蘭納王國輝煌的水上舞臺表演,邀請世界各地的人們體驗蘭納文化遺產的獨特性。
Experience beauty of Lanna culture to a global audience with the many traditional activities like traditional crafts and workshops in the festival,Enjoy with Lanna-style performance zone and dining area with traditional Khantoke-style setup,Featuring a water stage performance of “Lanna Light Parade – Floating Lanterns in the Sky” and showcases grandeur of Lanna kingdom,Serving the main highlight of the event by releasing floating lanterns