Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin(2023年米其林一星餐廳)位於曼谷暹羅凱賓斯基酒店
Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin(2023年米其林一星餐廳)位於曼谷暹羅凱賓斯基酒店
Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin(2023年米其林一星餐廳)位於曼谷暹羅凱賓斯基酒店
Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin(2023年米其林一星餐廳)位於曼谷暹羅凱賓斯基酒店

探索曼谷美食之旅 | Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin(2023年米其林一星餐廳)位於曼谷暹羅凱賓斯基酒店

#曼谷美食# 暹羅凱賓斯基酒店# 米其林一星餐廳# 泰國料理# 異國美食# 高級餐廳# 精緻料理# 獨特體驗# 美食之旅# 曼谷餐廳
在曼谷暹羅凱賓斯基酒店的Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin,您將品味到傳統泰國風味佳餚的獨特體驗。這家米其林星級餐廳將現代元素和食材融合在一起,為您帶來嶄新的味覺享受。

Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin的菜式被廣泛認識為“最好的現代美食”,與傳統的家常菜截然不同。這裡供應的咖喱口感和溫度都像冰淇淋一樣令人驚艷,而龍蝦肉則被鎖在口感豐富的珍珠中,搭配泰式冬蔭功湯一起享用,讓人嘴裡欲罷不能。

在Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin,您可以品嚐到各種不同的食材,從魚露到蝦子等應有盡有。這些食材都經過精心挑選和烹飪,確保每一道菜都呈現出最佳的口感和味道。

除了美食,Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin還提供一個舒適和優雅的用餐環境。餐廳的設計融合了現代和傳統元素,給人一種獨特的感覺。無論是與家人共進晚餐,還是與朋友享受浪漫的晚餐,這裡都是一個理想的選擇。

如果您正在計劃曼谷之旅,不要錯過在Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin品味美食的機會。這家米其林星級餐廳將為您帶來一場難以忘懷的味覺之旅,讓您的旅程更加完美。預訂一個位置,讓自己沉浸在Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin的獨特魅力中吧!
The cuisine at Sra Bua by Kiin Kiin is widely recognised as ‘modern gastronomy at its best’ – making it very different from home-style cooking. Diners may experience a curry served with the texture and temperature of ice-cream and bites of lobster locked inside gelatinous pearls that melt in the mouth with a sip of Tom Yam broth. Everything from fish sauce to prawn crackers is made in the Sra Bua by Kiin Kiin kitchen. Starting from 8-course lunch to a la carte menu reflects the creative genius of Chef Chayawee and the inspirational teachings of Chef Henrik Yde-Andersen whose Kiin Kiin restaurant in Copenhagen has been recognised by Michelin for many years.Chef Henrik Yde-Andersen, a Danish national, discovered the power and authenticity of Thai cuisine during a visit to the 'land of smiles' in the year 2000. His love for Thailand, its culture and gastronomic heritage was so great that he remained here for three years, learning day by day about the variety and richness of local cuisine in the country's many diverse regions. [![Screen Shot 2566-06-02 at 20.47.31](](http://) [menu]( [menu](


Sra Bua by Kiin-Kiin(2023年米其林一星餐廳)位於曼谷暹羅凱賓斯基酒店
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