芽莊最具活力的沿海城市,芽莊安娜瑪麗娜大使俱樂部已成為最近的夜生活熱點。每晚都吸引著大批狂歡者來享用美味的海鮮自助餐,其中包括著名的芽莊龍蝦,這是越南著名的海洋美食。俱樂部還提供不拘一格的娛樂節目,從古巴舞蹈表演到充滿活力的 DJ 節奏
大使俱樂部是 Ana Marina 生活方式綜合體的核心,位於芽莊著名海灣的北端。大使俱樂部,顧客可以在這裡跳舞、用餐,並在夕陽和星空下度過悶熱的午後和夜晚!
Enjoy the romantic scenic on the paradise coast and immerse yourself in a premium culinary paradise with the quintessence of Nha Trang seafood,The combination of sound, light, and sizzling dance performances at Ambassador Club - Ana Marina,Discover the dining of the Ambassador Club - Ana Marina, one of the best famous seafood restautrant in Nha Trang,Notable highlights include lobsters sourced from the abundant waters near Binh Ba Island,Favor yourself with various packages from the menu with an affordable price!