乘坐豪華的 Andy World 遊艇,體驗長灘島終極日落派對巡遊。這艘遊輪將迷人的風景、充滿活力的音樂和高級設施完美融合,在長灘島純淨的水域上打造一場難忘的慶祝活動。無論您是想狂歡、品嚐美味佳餚,還是隻是放鬆身心欣賞令人驚歎的日落,Andy World 日落派對巡遊都能滿足每個人的需求。
Witness the breathtaking colors of the sunset over the pristine waters of Boracay aboard the luxurious Andy World yacht,Escape the crowded beaches and bustling bars and experience a unique and exclusive party on the water,Enjoy exceptional service from a friendly and professional crew dedicated to making your cruise memorable