巴厘島農舍提供巴厘島首個羊駝體驗!與驢、小馬、鴕鳥等其他農場動物一起認識這些溫順的動物吧!探索迷人的托斯卡納風格建築,並在 The Barn 餐廳享用美味佳餚。這裡是放鬆身心、重溫大自然的絕佳場所。在巴厘島農舍留下永恆的家庭回憶!
Secure your first alpaca experience in Bali and meeting various farm animals such as donkeys, czech goats, ostriches, emus, and more! with buildings designed by Tuscan-inspired architecture,Get an unforgettable farming fun for all ages at Bali Farm House!,You can relax and reconnect with nature in a beautiful farmhouse setting,Enjoy delicious farm-to-table dining at the Barn Restaurant