Backed by Asia’s biggest tufting supplier – Tuftin’ Asia, Happy Hour Club Cafe & Workshop is bringing you an elevated version of tufting experience that we proudly call Tufting 2.0 hosted in Happy Hour Club Cafe & Workshop, the most instagrammable experiential cafe in Malaysia,So what exactly is Tufting 2.0? It’s the first in South East Asia and nothing like any other tufting workshop in you have seen before in the market. We're the only workshop in South East Asia offering weightless tufting system nomoretiredarms,We’re using innovative tufting systems & solution to give our customers the best tufting experience.,weightless tufting system nomoretiredarms,100% rug yarn manufactured for carpet factory,Professional finishing with edge binding
Plus, you get complimentary food & drink from Happy Hour Club Cafe & Workshop
,All the common issues faced in tufting e.g. – having sore arms due to heavy weight guns, torn fabric, final products that are shedding/fraying, these don’t happen in our tufting workshop. We assure you your final product will look like store-bought rug, only it’s handmade by yourself