釜山 / 慶州私人定製一日遊
釜山 / 慶州私人定製一日遊
釜山 / 慶州私人定製一日遊
釜山 / 慶州私人定製一日遊

釜山 / 慶州私人定製一日遊

#釜山# 慶州# 私人定製# 一日遊# 旅遊# 韓國# 自由行# 文化體驗# 美食# 觀光景點# 海灘# 歷史古蹟# 自然風光# 旅遊攻略# 旅行建議
通過這個獨特的私人旅遊套餐,您將可以根據您想去的地方和時間安排釜山和慶州 8 小時的旅遊。您將在指定地點遇到會講英語、中文、日語和韓語的司機。司機將護送您前往一輛空調麵包車,該面包車可以舒適地容納您和其他 7 名乘客。然後,您和您的團隊將駕車遊覽城鎮,探索擁有 1000 年曆史的新羅王朝的首都,該王朝以其豐富的歷史遺蹟而聞名。旅行結束後,您的司機將帶您返回酒店,您可以在那裡休息並繼續您的冒險。
Be driven around Busan or Gyeongju by a professional English, Chinese, Japanese & Korean speaking driver,Enjoy the comfort of a private van that can accomodate up to 13 passengers,Get picked up and dropped off right at the steps of your hotel,Enjoy the freedom of deciding your itineary based on your schedule and travel plans,Explore the city in 8 or 9 hours without wasting time on worrying about transportation,Ideal for visitors that are short on time but wants to visit main attractions in Busan or Gyeongju


釜山 / 慶州私人定製一日遊
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