薄荷島Cambuhat河遊船巡航 & 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅
薄荷島Cambuhat河遊船巡航 & 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅
薄荷島Cambuhat河遊船巡航 & 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅
薄荷島Cambuhat河遊船巡航 & 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅


#薄荷島# Cambuhat河遊船巡航# 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅# 旅遊# 自然景觀# 河流遊船# 牡蠣養殖# 生態探索# 文化體驗# 菲律賓旅遊# 海洋生物# 水上活動# 休閒度假# 河岸風光# 漁村文化
薄荷島Cambuhat河遊船巡航 & 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅是一個絕佳的機會,讓您在菲律賓的波爾島上體驗到獨特的河流遊船巡航和牡蠣養殖場探索之旅。





薄荷島Cambuhat河遊船巡航 & 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅將為您提供一個獨特而難忘的旅行體驗。無論您是對河流巡航還是牡蠣養殖場感興趣,這個旅程都將滿足您的需求。不僅可以欣賞到美麗的自然景觀,還可以與當地居民互動,了解他們的生活故事和文化傳統。不容錯過的一個旅行目的地!
A relaxing Eco tour in Buenavista town, approximately 2 hours away from Tagbilaran City Bohol. This Eco-tour starts off with a paddle boat ride through the winding river passing through mangroves and culminating at the oyster farm and visitor’s center on the bank of the river. Then a hearty lunch of oysters, oyster cake and other seafood will be served by the river. After lunch, there will be an explanation on oyster culture and the management of the river and mangroves by the community members. They will also present song and dance numbers. On the way back there’s an optional visit to a weaving shop/souvenir shop, and optional shopover at Punta Cruz Watchtower, a curious triangular watchtower built in 1796 as a lookout against pirates and Muslim marauders. The watchtower overlooks the seas south of Bohol where you can see the islands of Cebu, Siquijor and Mindanao.
  • Enjoy a paddle boat ride along Cambuhat River and an eco tour of the Oyster Farm
  • Munch on a delightful seafood lunch with fresh oysters served by the river
  • Get a chance to learn about oyster culture from community members that care of the farm

    薄荷島Cambuhat河遊船巡航 & 牡蠣養殖場探索之旅
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