Black Water King Shoot Club 為我們的貴賓提供專業的設備和服務。通過每一個鏡頭,感受芭堤雅迷人的一面!俱樂部配備的世界標準槍支和口徑,滿足各個年齡層的需求。每位來到這裡的朋友,不僅可以通過射擊運動來提升個人防護能力,還可以完美緩解工作壓力,給身心充電!我們不是普通的射擊場,而是愛好者和放鬆身心的最佳聚集地。
Experience the thrill of practice shooting at Black water king shoot club, Chonburi
Learn proper posture and shooting techniques from well-trained, private instructors
Bring friends and family of all shooting levels for a stress-relieving experience
Choose between various gun types such as handguns, and shotguns