
大叻愛情谷門票 | 大叻景點:mong mo山入場券 - 大叻市旅遊必備!

#大叻# 情人谷# 門票# 越南# 旅遊# 自然景觀# 休閒活動# 旅遊景點

大叻愛情谷坐落在美麗的mong mo山腳下,被郁郁蔥蔥的綠樹和清澈的湖泊環繞著。這裡的景色如詩如畫,讓人感受到大自然的恩賜與寧靜。遊客可以漫步於山間小徑,欣賞著山谷間的風景,感受大自然的奇妙之美。




越南大叻市等著您來探索,而大叻愛情谷將為您帶來一場充滿驚喜與美好的旅程。立即預訂mong mo門票,開始您的大叻之旅吧!
Travel away from the noise and busy streets of the city with a scenic adventure to The Valley of Love - wellknown as Vallée d’Amour.,Follow the paths past the lake and forest as you head up to Vong Canh Hill for an awe-inspiring view of the area,Feel at peace with the tranquil and calm atmosphere of the park’s gardens during your visit,Visit the park’s different fun locations like the Green Love Maze, the Chess Board, the Fairy Lake Landscape, and more,Enjoy the Gong performance from Central of Vietnam's dancers,Enjoy the scenery with the longest glass bridge in Da Lat, measuring 325 meters,Travel away from the noise and busy streets of the city with a scenic adventure to The Valley of Love - wellknown as Vallée d’Amour.,Follow the paths past the lake and forest as you head up to Vong Canh Hill for an awe-inspiring view of the area,Feel at peace with the tranquil and calm atmosphere of the park’s gardens during your visit,Visit the park’s different fun locations like the Green Love Maze, the Chess Board, the Fairy Lake Landscape, and more,Enjoy the Gong performance from Central of Vietnam's dancers,Enjoy the scenery with the longest glass bridge in Da Lat, measuring 325 meters


🤝🏻 商戶招募中拓展商機,探索潛在客源