EcoVine 酒莊探索之旅(導覽)
EcoVine 酒莊探索之旅(導覽)
EcoVine 酒莊探索之旅(導覽)
EcoVine 酒莊探索之旅(導覽)

EcoVine 酒莊探索之旅(導覽)

  • Embark on a guided journey aboard the e-carts, offering a smooth and enjoyable ride through the estate
  • Enjoy panoramic views of the Barossa Valley's lush vineyards, ancient gum trees, and rolling hills
  • Gain insights into our sustainable farming practices and the rich history of Lambert Estate from the knowledgeable guides
  • Visit the thriving kitchen gardens and estate orchard and learn about the farm-to-table approach, ensuring the freshest produce in the restaurant
  • Experience a private wine tasting at a picturesque location within the estate, sampling Lambert Estate's finest wines

    EcoVine 酒莊探索之旅(導覽)
    🤝🏻 商戶招募中拓展商機,探索潛在客源