預訂 La (Lá) Spa 的放鬆服務,享受愉悅的水療體驗。逃離河內擁擠的街道,在這個城市隱秘處找到避難所。進門時忘掉煩惱,盡情享受美妙的水療套餐。La Spa 是這座城市最好的健康中心之一,為客人提供天然精油和最佳按摩手法。享受一小時的身體磨砂和裹敷,讓您的皮膚恢復自然光澤,同時為您在越南的另一次冒險提供所需的能量。尋找終極放鬆?預訂他們的特色套餐,從頭到腳緩解您疲憊的肌肉。那您還在等什麼?立即預訂,體驗這座城市最好的按摩服務之一!
Book now and reward yourself with a relaxing spa experience at La Spa, Nourishing Shampoo & Massage in Hanoi,Escape the hustle and bustle of the popular tourist destinations of the city in this unique hideout,Experience Vietnamese hospitality at its finest from their friendly and professional therapists,Savor a cup of hot tea after your treatment, and leave La Spa, Nourishing Shampoo & Massage feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, In-app reservation required