James Boulangerie Iconsiam
James Boulangerie Iconsiam
James Boulangerie Iconsiam
James Boulangerie Iconsiam

詹姆斯布朗烘焙坊 Iconsiam:法式烘焙、咖啡、早午餐、甜點,品味法國烘焙之美

#詹姆斯麵包店# Iconsiam# 泰國旅遊# 曼谷美食# 泰國特色# 餐廳推薦# 旅遊必訪# 美食探險# 旅遊美食# 泰國餐廳
在曼谷的Icon Siam購物中心裡,有一家令人垂涎的法式面包店,提供著各種美味的糕點和咖啡,讓您在旅途中品嚐到地道的法式美食。這裡的麵包、可頌、法式麵包和咖啡都是經過精心製作的,讓您感受到純正的法式面包店體驗。




無論是想要品嚐美味的法式面包、糕點和咖啡,還是享受一場地道的法式麵包店體驗,這家位於Icon Siam購物中心的法式面包店絕對是您的最佳選擇。讓我們一起來品嚐這裡的各種美味,感受法式烘焙的精湛工藝,度過一個美味的用餐時光。
Finally, the legendary croissant restaurant of this era with long queues through the month is now ready to upgrade to the perfection as a restaurant with a new space on 6th Floor, ICONSIAM. The first time for full-scale opening into the shopping center area. James Boulangerie, ICONSIAM branch is the coordinates that are open for service under the most completeness, including the view of Chao Phraya River, more than 30 menus with variety of desserts menus that ready to be serve. There is also a special drink for you to enjoy the night view. Especially, the exclusive menu ONLY at ICONSIAM.


James Boulangerie Iconsiam
🤝🏻 商戶招募中拓展商機,探索潛在客源