

#京都# 奈良# 一日遊# 大阪# 京都出發# 日本旅遊# 文化遺產# 古蹟# 寺廟# 美食# 自由行# 旅遊行程# 旅遊規劃
Discover the beauty and history of Kyoto and Nara with our one-day tour departing from Osaka or Kyoto. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of these two ancient cities as you explore their iconic landmarks and hidden gems.

Begin your journey in Kyoto, the former capital of Japan and a city renowned for its traditional temples, shrines, and beautiful gardens. Our knowledgeable guide will take you to the iconic Kinkaku-ji Temple, also known as the Golden Pavilion, where you can marvel at its stunning golden exterior and serene surroundings. Next, we'll visit the Nijo Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its beautiful gardens and historic architecture. Explore the castle's opulent interiors and learn about its significance in Japanese history.

After experiencing the grandeur of Kyoto, we'll head to Nara, another ancient capital of Japan and home to some of the country's most important cultural treasures. Our first stop in Nara will be the Todai-ji Temple, a massive wooden structure that houses the Great Buddha, the largest bronze statue of Buddha in Japan. Take a moment to admire the intricate details of this magnificent statue and learn about its religious significance.

Next, we'll visit the Nara Deer Park, where you can encounter friendly and sacred deer that roam freely throughout the area. Feed them with special deer crackers and capture memorable photos with these gentle creatures. As we stroll through the park, we'll make our way to the Kasuga Taisha Shrine, known for its thousands of stone and bronze lanterns that line the pathways. Experience the tranquil atmosphere of this sacred site and learn about its role in Japanese Shintoism.

Throughout the tour, our expert guide will provide fascinating insights into the history, culture, and traditions of Kyoto and Nara. They will also share insider tips and recommendations for the best local eateries and souvenir shops, ensuring you make the most of your visit.

Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or simply seeking to immerse yourself in Japan's rich cultural heritage, our Kyoto and Nara one-day tour is the perfect choice. Book your trip now and embark on a memorable adventure through these enchanting cities.
日本是許多人首選旅遊國家之一,關西地區更是日本文化與歷史的搖籃,其中京都、奈良和大阪拜地利之便,可以輕鬆實現一日遊,解鎖你的夢想之旅! 參加京都&奈良一日遊,任選大阪 VIP Villa 難波或京都 VIP Lounge 出發,享受舒適方便的接送服務,聆聽專業中英語導遊導覽,輕鬆愜意展開旅程。首站來到京都鹿苑寺,又名「金閣寺」,外觀金光閃耀卻又莊嚴脫俗,被列為世界文化遺產的重要歷史建築。漫步詩意的嵐山竹林隧道,微風徐徐,竹葉婆娑搖曳,竹子嘎嘎作響,聆聽大自然美妙旋律。接著朝聖伏見稻荷大社,是日本稻荷神社的總本社,地位崇高,歷史悠久,綿延不見盡頭的「千本鳥居」更是聞名國際。走訪被列為世界遺產,也是世界最大的木造建築「東大寺」,一睹世界最大金銅佛像──奈良大佛。奈良公園裡自在漫遊不怕生的鹿是奈良一大特色,日本神話故事視奈良鹿為「神的使者」,被列為日本國寶。說走就走的一日遊,不必煩惱交通,不用費心規劃行程,是講究效率的聰明選擇。莊嚴神社、絕美秘境等人氣夯點,呼喚你親自前來感受日本關西獨特魅力!


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