曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library下午茶套餐
曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library下午茶套餐
曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library下午茶套餐
曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library下午茶套餐

探索曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library獨特的下午茶套餐

#曼谷# 金浦頓瑪萊# Maa-Lai Library# 下午茶套餐# 旅遊# 休閒# 美食# 文化# 書店# 泰國# 藝術# 閱讀# 人文# 旅行# 探索
曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library下午茶套餐是一個絕對不能錯過的曼谷下午茶體驗。位於金浦頓瑪萊酒店的Maa-Lai Library,結合了瑰麗的環境、精緻的點心和優雅的服務,為您帶來一場無與倫比的美食之旅。


除了美味的食物,Maa-Lai Library還提供一杯精選的茶或咖啡,讓您在品味美食的同時,享受著舒適的氛圍和輕鬆的時刻。無論是與朋友一起聚會,還是與摯愛共度浪漫時光,這個下午茶套餐都能為您帶來一段難忘的回憶。

金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library下午茶套餐的價格合理,提供了物超所值的體驗。無論您是曼谷的遊客還是當地居民,這個下午茶套餐都是您放鬆身心,享受美食的理想選擇。

不要錯過這個令人垂涎欲滴的下午茶套餐,預訂您的座位,讓曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library為您帶來一場美味的饗宴。無論是品味傳統的泰國點心還是探索創意菜品,這個下午茶套餐將帶您開啟一段令人難以忘懷的食物之旅。
AFTERNOON TEA WITH BANGKOK'S BEST VIEW! Maa-Lai Library is inspired by the concept of a cosy library corner in a private home. A place where imagination is set aflutter, this contemporary cocoon is bathed in the afternoon sun’s rays, as the ideal venue for lounging, reading and enjoying light refreshments. The elevated, relaxing space has its own spacious terrace to enjoy the weather and the unobstructed vantage points so you can watch life happen. Served at the 30th floor at the Maa-Lai Library, the “Afternoon Tea at the Library” is the highest elevation afternoon tea served in town, crowned by a panoramic view of the lush Langsuan greenery surrounds. Afternoon Tea at the Library fulfils its library theme with unique refreshments served in a customized wood “book”, the Pocket Edition and the Premium Edition. The 2 exclusive tea blends for Kimpton Maa-Lai Bangkok include the floral Marigold blend with hints of jasmine, rose and marigold, and the fruity Peach blend with refreshing peach and rounded with rose and jasmine. For an added effervescent touch, guests can order a glass (or even a bottle) of Champagne, bubbles and wine from our wide selection. [Menu](http://www.kimptonmaalaibangkok.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Kimpton-Maa-Lai-Bangkok-Afternoon-Tea-Menu-Jan-2023-A5-Temp.pdf) ![Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 3.59.38 PM](https://res.klook.com/image/upload/v1689934278/admin-markdown/wom4kxu5vothysdtocgc.jpg) ![Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 3.59.43 PM](https://res.klook.com/image/upload/v1689934330/admin-markdown/rcgoovbwpeguc66g5u7c.jpg)
在 Maa-Lai 圖書館 30 樓的圖書館主題場所,在寧靜的氛圍中享用下午茶,體驗鎮上海拔最高的茶,欣賞郎雙綠地的壯麗景色,選擇袖珍版或高級版,兩者均採用優質泰式混合茶,可提供 2 壺或您選擇的精選飲料。週三至週日下午 1 點至 5 點可用,享用美味的飲料和小吃,同時享受設計師圖書館和一覽無餘的曼谷城市景觀,2023年12月1日至2024年1月7日期間提供節日主題下午茶


曼谷金浦頓瑪萊Maa-Lai Library下午茶套餐
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