馬丁堡酒莊 & 美食一日遊
馬丁堡酒莊 & 美食一日遊
馬丁堡酒莊 & 美食一日遊
馬丁堡酒莊 & 美食一日遊

馬丁堡酒莊 & 美食一日遊

踏上穿越雷穆塔卡山脈的風景之旅,在山頂短暫停留,然後下降到風景如畫的懷拉拉帕地區。 我們的第一個目的地是 Featherston 的 C'est Cheese,這裡以其精選的本地和進口起司以及美味佳餚而聞名。 隨後,在經驗豐富的釀酒師的指導下進行葡萄園之旅,深入了解從葡萄到玻璃的細緻過程。這次體驗的高潮是品酒,並在酒窖享用美味的小吃式午餐。 午餐後,探索馬丁堡古老的橄欖樹林,在那裡您將發現各種橄欖品種及其每年生命週期的細微差別。 在馬丁堡啤酒廠 (Martinborough Brewery) 品嚐精釀啤酒,繼續您的美食冒險之旅,品嚐各種當地釀造的特色菜餚。 最後,您可以參觀 Schoc Chocolates,品嚐一系列獨特的巧克力作品,為您的一天畫下完美的句點。 這次精心策劃的旅程將美麗的風景與美食融為一體,為懷拉拉帕的最佳風味提供難忘的探索。
Experience the abundance of produce from the Wairarapa region on this comprehensive full-day tour. Travel in comfort as you embark on a scenic drive over the picturesque Remutaka Ranges. Enjoy tastings at five carefully selected Tasting Partners, where you'll delve into the region's rich culinary offerings. Explore historic vineyards, witness the meticulous winemaking process, and savor the finest wines Martinborough has to offer. The tour also includes visits to Olivo for tastings of extra virgin and infused olive oils, Martinborough Brewery for craft beer paddles, and a delightful cheese tasting experience at C'est Cheese. Conclude your day with a sumptuous lunch at a vineyard restaurant, indulging in the perfect pairing of local flavors and wines.


馬丁堡酒莊 & 美食一日遊
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