乘坐 The Ride 體驗紐約市的全新維度。登上我們價值數百萬美元、最先進、定製設計的巴士,準備開啟難忘的旅程。雖然我們的巴士非常適合觀看來往的行人,但當紐約市的街道成為一場熱鬧非凡的戲劇冒險舞臺時,真正的興奮才開始。以城市為背景,您將擁有場內最好的座位來觀看無與倫比的 75 分鐘表演。兩位搞笑的主持人將引導您完成整個體驗,驚喜的表演將讓您盡興而歸。當街道變成舞臺,什麼事情都有可能發生。坐下來,放鬆一下,讓 THE RIDE 在您眼前揭開一場娛樂奇觀!
The multimillion-dollar bus is specifically designed for this interactive adventure
Prepare for an uproarious and one-of-a-kind theatrical adventure on the streets of NYC
The bus is perfect for observing NYC's diverse and vibrant inhabitants
With the city as the backdrop, you become part of the show
THE RIDE lets you savor the essence of the Big Apple in a unique way