Seafood at Trisara Phuket
Seafood at Trisara Phuket
Seafood at Trisara Phuket
Seafood at Trisara Phuket

卓悅普吉島海鮮餐廳 | 海灘美食盛宴 | 普吉島海鮮之旅

#三亚海鲜# 海鲜餐厅# 特色海鲜# 海鲜美食# 海鲜大餐# 海鲜盛宴# 海鲜料理# 海鲜享受# 海鲜烹饪# 海鲜品尝
位於普吉島的一個秘境,Trisara Phuket 是您品嚐新鮮海鮮的絕佳去處。這裡的海鮮餐廳坐落在海灘旁,為您帶來一場極致的海鮮饗宴。無論您是想在海灘邊享用美食,還是想欣賞海洋美景,Trisara Phuket 都能滿足您的需求。


除了美食外,Trisara Phuket 還提供多種海洋活動,如浮潛、潛水、沙灘漫步、日落郵輪、皮划艇、划槳板等,讓您盡情享受海洋的樂趣。此外,您還可以參加海鮮烹飪課程和海鮮遊覽,深入了解當地海鮮文化。

在Trisara Phuket,您不僅可以品嚐到最新鮮的海鮮,還能欣賞到壯麗的海洋美景。無論是浪漫的晚餐、套餐還是海鮮自助餐,這裡都能滿足您的味蕾需求。讓Trisara Phuket 成為您下一次普吉島之旅的不二選擇,帶您探索海洋的美妙世界,品味地道的當地海鮮美食。
A refined Thai homestyle dining experience, embracing the rich heritage of Southern Thai recipes that have been passed down through generations. Showcasing the true essence of this diverse culinary legacy and celebrating the phenomenal seasonal resources the island has to offer both on land and sea in an intimate setting. Collaborating closely with the local communities and supporting local environmentally friendly practices, proving that innovation can also involve the preservation of tradition. Open daily from 18:00 – 22:30 +66 (0)76 310 100


Seafood at Trisara Phuket
🤝🏻 商戶招募中拓展商機,探索潛在客源