抵達盧瓦爾河谷後,準備好開始為期半天的遊覽,帶您穿越以“貴婦城堡”而聞名的舍農索城堡,展開一段迷人的旅程。這座迷人的城堡位於雪爾河上方,通過一座令人歎為觀止的拱形橋與其花園相連。在您的導覽遊中,您將被城堡中傑出的傢俱、掛毯和繪畫收藏所震撼,其中包括魯本斯、丁託列託、範盧和委羅內塞等著名藝術家的傑作。您將探索黛安·德·普瓦捷 (Diane de Poitiers) 的臥室、綠色書房、畫廊和廚房,所有這些都有一個獨特的故事要講。遊覽結束後,您將有空閒時間探索花園並欣賞它們的美景。舍農索城堡是盧瓦爾河谷真正的瑰寶,其悠久的歷史會讓您驚歎不已。
Explore the unique Chenonceau Castle, one of the most elegant castles in the Loire Valley
Benefit from your local guide who is a local history expert, especially the Loire Valley with all its famous castles
Visit the highlights of the castle including the bedroom of Diane de Poitiers, the gallery, kitchens and also the garden